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Crow’s feet are the bane of all of our lives. When you get them you feel like you’re twenty but on closer inspection, it looks like you’re sixty. It’s the cruelest thing in the world!
Botox can help stop these lines on your face from ever fully appearing by ‘freezing’ the muscles responsible for your crow’s feet.
Completely painless jab that will leave you looking awake and youthful. You can even have a free consultation where one of our doctors will discuss the treatment with you in-depth before answering any questions you might have about why it could be right for you. Show More
If you’re looking to reduce wrinkles with a completely painless jab that will leave you looking awake and youthful contact us 0121 514 2385 for a free consultation in our Birmingham clinic to discover if botox or dermal fillers are right for you.
How to Cure Eyebags and Dark Circles
Eyebags and dark circles are annoying, they make you look tired and can detract from your overall appearance. Some people choose to ignore them as a fact of life but there are things you can do to cure eyebags and dark circles.
Many factors can cause bags under the eyes. Lack of sleep, allergies, the side effects of certain medications, and even a poor diet can all make you look as if you have dark circles and puffy bags under your eyes. When this happens it can make you appear older, frailer or even depressed.
Botox injections can cure eyebags and dark circles. Injections of botulism toxin have been found to be a safe and effective way of getting rid of eye bags under eyes, as well as dark circles under the eyes. Also called botox cosmetic, this treatment is extremely popular. It’s a quick and easy non-surgical way of improving one’s appearance.
- Improving your diet and sleeping habits can help you get rid of eyebags and dark circles under your eyes.
- Eyebags and dark circles tend to be hereditary, but eating a well-balanced diet that incorporates lots of vegetables will help you ward off their formation.
- Foods that contain a lot of vitamin C, such as citrus fruits and peppers, can also help because they stimulate blood flow.

Book a Free Skin Consultation
With me, Doctor Majid Shah at our Birmingham Clinic in the West Midlands. With over 4,000 successful skin treatments around the UK, I guarantee through innovative techniques you’ll get the results you want! look better, feel better, and live better.

Puffy eyes and dark circles under your eyes can happen for a number of reasons. Most commonly, you’re probably getting a lot less sleep than you think, which is a surefire way to get puffy eyes.
Puffy eyes can also be caused by allergies or sinus headaches. If you have allergies, the swelling from the puffiness is usually accompanied by redness, itching, and watery eyes.
Dark circles under your eyes may be caused by genetics. In fact, dark circles are hereditary–they run in families–so if your mum and/or dad had them when they were young, you may have inherited the condition too.
Botox is good for under eye bags & dark circles.
Botox works by paralyzing the muscles under the skin. If you paralyze the muscles at the corner of your mouth, you get rid of crow’s feet. If you paralyze the muscles under your eyes, you get rid of eye wrinkles, eyed bags and dark circles.