You’ve come to the best place for your lip fillers Birmingham. If there’s one procedure that the world has embraced with open arms, it’s dermal lip fillers. It is one of our most popular treatment services at a great price here at the Doctor Majid Shah Clinic in Birmingham.
It’s so popular and well practiced, we now have over 4000 successful medical treatments under our belts. Perfect for men and women, lip injections are the ultimate anti-aging dermal treatment with 18% of Hyaluronic Acid, it keeps them smooth, moist, and plump!
If you’re over 30 and you want to look younger and wrinkle-free, but without looking like you’ve had a lot of work done you’ve found the best place for those results. I pride myself on developing a bond of trust with each of my patients, listening to your concerns and work closely with you as we design a skin care regimen at your consultation that addresses your specific needs.
We provide the gold standard in expert filler application sourcing our products from regulated pharmacies based in the UK; these include popular brands such as Juvederm and Restylane. We consider ourselves the top clinic in the city and Midlands for all professional services.
This excellence for treatments and costs is backed up by our customer reviews on both Trustpilot and Google.
Book a consultation today 0121 514 2385 to see how we will get the results you want.
The Procedure for Lip Fillers
During your free consultation here with me, we will review your treatment needs and determine the next steps to achieving beauty. My aim is to get you results that will be nothing short of spectacular. After a thorough examination and discussion of your smile goals, I will create your customized treatment plan and help you understand all your options so that you can make the best decision for you.
Anesthetizing & Injection
Here, you’ll receive an application of numbing cream to help with the removal of any pain you may feel or sensation you might experience with the injections. Then, a small number more using either the Juvederm or Restylane product are made at certain points.
Clean up & recovery
The course of action is very quick, reliable and you’ll only feel the injection for seconds at a time. A revolutionary solution that offers that instant gratification of cosmetic fillers with the subtlety of soft tissue augmentation. Our dermal treatments are perfect for those who want to have a more defined smile line and a more youthful contour. You will love this whole procedure.
Some swelling can be expected immediately (see our full advice here on lip filler swelling stages after the medical treatment. An ice pack can help with this, and the initial swelling will go down quite quickly. There may be minor soreness from the injections as the numbness from the topical cream wears off.
You can manage this with a painkiller like paracetamol. We advise against ibuprofen and aspirin. We recommend in this brilliant guide what not to do after lip fillers and avoid including intense exercise for 48 hours after your treatment. Reduced activity allows the body to heal the treated areas quicker.
After 24 hours, swelling on the skin should mostly have subsided. If not, a cold compress or ice pack can be applied. Drinking plenty of water also helps. We always offer a free follow-up appointment here in Birmingham to review how everything is going, even if you already see the desired results (generally after two weeks).
Great Results & Fast
Immediately after your treatment, you may have a small amount of bleeding and swelling. This is normal after skin tissue augmentations. In the hours that follow, some clients will start to see bruising appearing around the needle sites. This will reduce and fade after 2-4 days and be left with a natural and beautiful look!
Following this short recovery phase, you’ll get anywhere between 6 and 9 months depending on your metabolism, and how regularly you’ve received before. The first session will be the time they dissolve the quickest, because they don’t have anything to build on.
Over time, you should find you can spread the effective treatments further apart, from once every 6 months to once a year and get amazing lips at a competitive pricing.
Before & After

Our Treatments
The biggest reason why men and women get dermal fillers Birmingham is to correct asymmetries. For example, if you have a prominent ridge on one side, that can be filled in with dermal to make it look even. Likewise if one edge of at the top is higher than the other, you can introduce to make it sit evenly.
Symmetry is the result of a balanced composition; we perceive symmetry as beauty and we naturally gravitate towards it. But to achieve effective symmetry, we need to know where the centre of our face is.
Since most people don’t have an exact centre, making these adjustments can be tricky, but both are crucial for every step in achieving the perfect shape. It all comes down to balancing out your features.– a popular medical plan of action for those with an uneven Cupid’s bow, one side of the mouth slightly larger than the other, or over-pronounced at the top or bottom.
They can be used either to sharpen or soften the shape of the Cupid’s bow. They can roll back the years by correcting loss of volume and downturn caused by ageing. And they can even alleviate the revelation of too much tooth and gum when smiling.
Great treatment can even be used to correct asymmetries caused by a cleft lip. Although, even when removal is achieved and corrected surgically in early life, many patients find perfect symmetry is not fully restored and the end-results disappointing.
Unevenness can easily be balanced. Some cleft’s are mild enough not to be treated surgically, and with me, we can dramatically improve your appearance, with the added benefit of no scarring.
Visit here to see our new guide on lip fillers for men
Benefits of Lip Fillers
One of the obvious medical benefits is to counter thin lips which have always been a universal standard of beauty. Many women find that treatment can enhance a feeling of femininity. But there are other great results and benefits too.
Fuller lip enhancement can create the illusion of stronger features. They can help to balance the features, especially for those with larger upper facial features (eyes and forehead) and a smaller chin. Finally, the volume they restore can return bounce and youthfulness to the face.
The benefits of opting for this type of treatment over the more skin invasive medical process of implants is that there are little-to-no side effects or pain. They often take less than 15 minutes to administer, bruising and swelling are usually minimal, and at a cost that is extremely affordable in comparison to permanent alterations.
Clinic Reviews For Our Lip Fillers in Birmingham

Book a Free Birmingham Lip Consultation
With me, Doctor Majid Shah at our Birmingham Clinic in the West Midlands. With over 4,000 successful skin treatments around the UK, I guarantee through innovative techniques you’ll get the results you want! look better, feel better, and live better.

“After a year my lips are still volumised and defined! I would highly recommend him to anyone as I am always in love with my results”
How long do lip fillers last?
Hyaluronate-based dermal fillers generally last between 9 and 12 months. But there are always differences between individual patients. Factors that affect the duration include:
- Age
- High or low metabolism
- The amount of product used
On average, patients should expect around 6 to 9 months for smaller quantities such as 0.5ml.
What are the risks?
On the whole very safe, and the main risks involve the potential of some mild bruising and swelling. We expect some mild redness with all injectable treatments. There are also other vascular risks, which are minimised by:
- firstly, a strong knowledge of anatomy
- use of the correct technique
- taking time with each patient
- an experienced clinician performs the treatment
If you have had a history of regular cold sores, it is often recommended to take a precautionary dose of Aciclovir. This minimises the chances of the augmentation procedure causing a cold sore.
Can I get fillers if I have cold sores?
If you have had a history of regular cold sores, it is often recommended to take a precautionary dose of Acyclovir. This minimises the chances of the lip augmentation treatment causing a cold sore.
Do they stretch?
It’s a common myth, but it’s not true that fillers cause sagging. Fillers do not stretch the skin, and after they have been metabolised out of your system, your skin will return to its normal appearance.
How often should you get lip fillers?
The answer to this will depend on your individual preferences and metabolism. Usually, you won’t need to revisit us for a top-up for at least 6-8 months. Many people opt to get them once or twice a year – twice is recommended if you want to keep the volume looking fresh and full.
What is a lip flip?
A Lip flip is slightly different to filler. Instead of hyaluronic acid-based fillers, it uses Botox to relax the muscles and ‘flip’ the lip upwards. This can expand the upper surface area, making the lips look larger and fuller.
Can they be removed?
If you decide you don’t like your dermal fillers (which in our experience is extremely rare!), they can be dissolved with a solution known as hyaluronidase. This is an enzyme that occurs naturally in the body – no scary stuff. We use this removal solution in cases of those who have been to an inexpert practitioner, so we can undo the damage, and re-apply filler correctly if any client wishes.
How long should I wait after to apply lipstick?
Applying lipstick straight after dermal fillers should not necessarily be a problem, but it is usually good to wait at least 24 hours. This is because you will have some very tiny open wounds where the needle penetrated the skin, so it’s best to avoid the risk of bacteria getting in.
How much do lip filler cost?
A standard dose of 1ml (our most popular treatment) costs £349, and 2ml costs £599. For our full list of treatment prices, visit here.
What are dermal fillers?
‘Lip fillers’ refer to a series of points placed strategically around the lips to fill, contour, and volumise. The full-lipped look is extremely fashionable right now, but not all of us are born with it. Volume in the lips can also be lost with time and age. Dermal fillers put that perk and pizzazz back in the space of just 15 minutes. Dermal fillers also provide amazing hydration and anti-ageing benefits.
What’s in dermal fillers?
Modern dermal fillers almost always consist of hyaluronic acid. Far from being artificial, or a toxin like Botox (although Botox is a completely safe toxin when administered correctly), hyaluronic acid is a substance that occurs naturally in our bodies. We use FDA-approved products sourced from regulated pharmacies in the UK, including popular brands like Juvéderm and Restylane.
Hyaluronic acid behaves like normal tissue (which is why dermal fillers can be easily placed to look very natural), and dissolves like normal tissue after several months. It also stimulates collagen and elastin, giving an extra boost to plumpness and volume in our skin.
What happens at my consultation?
We’ll begin with a virtual consultation. During this allocated time with an expert aesthetician, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your concerns, and ask any important questions. We’ll then move onto an in-person appointment, where we will discuss a tailored treatment plan unique to your aesthetic ambitions. Consultations are relaxed and informal, and there’s no obligation to proceed with treatment if you decide it’s not for you.
Which product type lasts the longest?
The answer to the estimated longevity of your treatment filler is always the same: it depends on the person. But some dermal filler products are better than others. Their quality ensures results will last as long as possible. Two of the top products we’ve seen and worked with are Juvederm Volift and Restylane Kiss.