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Restylane vs Juvederm – Which Should You Choose ?

restylane vs juvederm

Plastic surgery is not the only choice for a facelift or facial rejuvenation.

Juvéderm and Restylane are two of the most popular non-invasive dermal filler treatments for women and men alike, which can plump your skin, provide a youthful appearance, supple, treat fine lines, vertical lip lines, and glowing appearance.

Restylane and Juvéderm are hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers that help people improve confidence without spending a lot, without spending a lot, risk of surgery, or recovery time.

To know more about the difference between the two, keep on reading.

Restylane vs Juvéderm: Comparing Dermal Fillers 

These two appear to be extremely the same on the label or surface.

Both injectable dermal fillers use hyaluronic acid to obtain a volume replacement benefit that leads to wrinkle eradication and lifting sagging skin.

These treatments are non-surgical and non-invasive, have no downtime, and are almost pain-free. In addition, both treatments are used in the same facial areas to correct ageing signs and symptoms.  

Restylane and Juvéderm are both regarded as the best non-invasive procedures. So, it means no surgery is needed to correct facial issues.

Both treatments also utilize hyaluronic acid to cure wrinkles via volume. Here are more details about each procedure.


This hyaluronic acid dermal filler is intended to cure wrinkles. Every solution has a gel material that is made with hyaluronic acid. 

Many kinds of Juvederm injections are made for diverse parts of the face including the tear troughs. For example, some are made for the mouth, including lips, while some add volume to cheeks.

n addition, specific injections are utilized for the fine lines, which can occur around your mouth and nose. Juvederm lip fillers or injections also evolved into Juvederm XC formulas made with lidocaine that assists reduce pain during injection without a separate topical anesthetic.


Restylane Lyft adds volume to areas where you’re losing fat under the skin, such as jowls or cheeks, and improves facial contours.

It’s a form of Restylane that has been infused with lidocaine to reduce any pain associated with the injection. Restylane Injections are often used around the eyes and back of the hands.

Also, Restylane is used to smoothen lines around your mouth, improve the lips, and add volume and lift to your cheeks.


Restylane and Juvederm formulas utilize HA or Hyaluronic acid filler similar active components. This is a natural carbohydrate molecule present in all living things.

Hyaluronic acid filler is a renowned humectant that means it can attract and retain moisture. It can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in moisture.

This capability enabled both dermal fillers to lift, put in volume and plump your skin.

Restylane and Juvéderm have hyaluronic acid that is naturally occurring, so there’s little to no risk of adverse effects amongst patients.

Juvederm vs. Restylane: Texture

The biggest disparity between the two is the texture. Restylane is more cohesive and granular, while Juvederm has a smooth texture.

The difference in texture provides these two fillers with different strengths and power.

The smoothness of Juvederm makes it ideal for addressing wrinkles and finer lines in tight facial parts.

On the contrary, the cohesive feature of Restylane enables it to keep in an area where it is injected that making it perfect for putting in volume in particular deep-set facial areas.

This is also mouldable that enables the injector to create shapes and contours. 

Treatment Areas

These dermal fillers or hyaluronic acid fillers have diverse formulas which target diverse areas of your face. Juvéderm is used to treat many areas of your face, including the mouth, cheeks, and eyes.

Juvéderm comes in different types, such as Juvéderm Ultra, the original formula.

All of the formulas contain hyaluronic FDA-approved for facial contouring and volume replacement.

For example, Volbella focuses on lips and other fine lines around your mouth and Juvéderm Vollure to focus on severe folds and wrinkles.

On the other hand, Restylane is used to treat similar facial areas as Juvéderm. On the other hand, it is very efficient in treating cheeks, lips, and the area around your nose.

It is also used for hand rejuvenation by putting in volume. Types of Restylane available on the market today take account of the following;

  • Restylane Silk intended for lips
  • Restylane Lyft perfect for cheeks, middle face, and nasolabial folds

How Long Restylane and Juvéderm Procedure Do Takes?

These hyaluronic acid dermal fillers take a few minutes to inject. You can also experience the plumping effects in just a short minute of injecting.

To keep the best results, you have to follow up on injections.

The Duration of Juvederm

Every injection takes a few minutes. On the other hand, you will need a lot of injections for every facial treatment area. It depends on the size of the treatment part; the total anticipated time can be 15 minutes.

The Duration of Restylane

Every injection takes between 15-20 minutes and for every session. This is normal for dermal fillers as a whole. So while you may see some results immediately, you might not see the full effects after the injection for a couple of days. 

Restylane Vs. Juvéderm: Results

These hyaluronic acid fillers have the same long-term outcomes. Juvéderm might work a bit fast and, in some conditions, might last longer and available for a high price.

Your provider may suggest one filler over another depending on your needs and the part being cured and treated.

The Results of Juvéderm

The results of Juvederm last between 1 to 2 years. Diverse formulations are utilized for the lip portion, including marionette lines and your eyes.

This dermal filler is likely to work very well for eye bags. It is also used to plump up your lips and smoothens wrinkles.

The Results of Restylane

This dermal filler takes a bit longer to reap the effect; however, you will begin seeing results almost right away. This kind of filler can last from six to 18 months.

While Restylane is utilized to cure the same facial areas as Juvéderm, it is likely to work well for your lips and the folds around your nose and cheeks. 


Restylane and Juvéderm procedures are non-surgical and minimally invasive; the derma filler is given in a series of injections using a very fine needle.

A lot of formulas in both lines have lidocaine that numbs your skin during injection to reduce discomfort. Applying topical numbing cream might also be helpful if asked by the patient.

Some patients experience almost no pain when they are treated, particularly if a professional injector performs the procedure.

Lip fillers can produce various swelling in the lips, but this is a temporary side effect. 

Treatment Time

These dermal fillers are very quick and can be done during lunch hour. While the treatment time can vary, most patients will be in and out of the workplace within 30 minutes to 45 minutes. 


There’s is little recovery time and minimal downtime needed for the two. Patients can go straight to their normal daily life following the procedure.

However, experts ask patients to reframe from doing exercises for 24 hours to lessen any post-procedure inflammation.

Who Can Benefit from Restylane and Juvéderm

It is vital to schedule a consultation with the physician before booking an injection. He will go over any risk factors which can prohibit you from acquiring these dermal fillers. 

Best Candidates for Juvéderm

This dermal filler is ideal for adults. You might not be qualified to undergo this treatment if you are:

• Allergic to these dermal fillers’ main components, including lidocaine and hyaluronic acid. 

• Have a background of multiple serious allergies like anaphylaxis

• Has a history of too much scarring and skin pigmentation disorders

• Take drugs that can extend bleeding like aspirin, ibuprofen, and blood thinners. 

• Has bleeding disorders history 

Best Candidates for Restylane 

This is also intended for adults; the reason why you might not qualify to undergo Restylane treatment are the same as those listed above. 


Since these two dermal fillers are non-invasive and no recovery time is needed, this treatment is also regarded as cosmetic, so they are not covered by health insurance.

The bottom line depends on the costs offered by the provider, your residence, and the number of injections needed.

Juvéderm is expensive; however, the outcomes last longer in most instances.

So, it means it doesn’t need to follow up injections as fast as you may need with Restylane. 

The average cost for dermal fillers like these is $651; this is according to ASAPS or the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The price also differs between types of fillers.

You will need to discuss with the provider to know the individual treatment costs. 

The Costs of Juvéderm

On average, each injection will cost you $600 or above. The price might be lower for smaller parts of treatment like lip lines.

The Costs of Restylane 

The cost of Restylane is less compared to Juvéderm. One health facility quotes the injection between $300 and $500 for every injection. 

Restylane Vs Juvéderm: Side Effects

Both dermal fillers are safer compared to invasive procedures like surgery. However, still, this does not mean these are free of risks. The harmful effects of both dermal fillers are the same.

Side Effects of Juvéderm 

The common harmful effects take account of headaches, bumps or lumps, discoloration, bruising, rash, itching pain, and inflammation at the injection area. More serious harmful effects of this treatment are rare; however, it can include: 

• Anaphylaxis or severe allergic reaction 

• Skin colour alterations 

• Infection 

• Numbness 

• Scarring 

• Necrosis 

Side Effects of Restylane 

Minor harmful effects might include swelling, redness, and bruising. Itchiness and tenderness are possible too.

Serious but rare, harmful effects take account of infection, severe swelling, and hyperpigmentation. The risk for some complications might be greater once you have a background of skin diseases or bleeding disorders. 

Key Takeaways

• Restylane and Juvéderm are two dermal fillers utilized to treat wrinkles.

• Both utilize a gel made with HA to restore skin.

• Both are non-invasive, and there is no surgery needed. 


• Restylane and Juvéderm include lidocaine that lessens pain during injections.

• Mild side effects are likely, such as swelling, redness, and bruising

• Serious but rare risks take account of scarring and skin discoloration.


• Restylane and Juvéderm are very convenient to use; it just takes a couple of minutes for every injection.

• It might take time to look around and look for a reliable and qualified provider.


• The cost of Juvéderm is $600, while Restylane is $300 to $650 for every injection. 

• Your health insurance does not cover costs, and downtime is not necessary. 


• Restylane and Juvéderm works fast

• Restylane and Juvéderm can last for 3-6 months; 

You may need more than one treatment, especially if you have little or no filler in the area being treated. Alternatively, it may be beneficial for you to look at the pros and cons of permanent fillers.

Permanent fillers are easily injected into the skin without damaging it. These are biodegradable and make an ideal choice for patients who have in particulary suffered facial injuries.

The procedure is painless and convenient, which makes it a useful option for people who harbour an urge to enhance their appearance.

How to Look for a Provider

The dermal is the first point of contact for dermal fillers. If your dermal does not provide these treatments, they can refer you to a surgeon or aesthetician who does.

Also, you might look for a provider via the database of ASPA. Regardless of the provider you choose, make sure they are board-certified and experienced and have many years in the service.

Restylane and Juvéderm: Which is the Winner?

So, what is the best skincare product?

The answer is, it depends. While it is good for patients to know the benefits and differences of each one, the final decision on which one is ideal for you must be left up to a professional injector.

A skilled provider can examine your personal needs to develop the most excellent course of treatment. It’s not uncommon for injectors to suggest using a mixture of both products to make the patient’s preferred result.

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